
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5th
St John Chrysostom (347-407), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch; Feast day September 13th

"That as water is necessary to prevent trees from withering, so prayer is necessary to save us from perdition."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"Reflect that your mouths are the mouths of Christians, which Jesus Christ has so often entered in the holy communion."

St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Virgin, Doctor of the Church; Avila, Spain; Feast day, October 15th

"Because we do not give God all our affections, so he does not give us His perfect love."

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4th
St Robert Bellarmine (1542-1641), Confessor, Bishop, Doctor of the Church; Montepulciano, Italy; Feast day May 13th

"An ounce of charity is better than an hundred loads of reason."

St Joseph Calasanctius (1557-1648), Confessor; Aragon, Spain; Feast day August 27th

"He who loves peace never contradicts anyone."

St Anselm (1033-1109), Confessor, Bishop; Aosta, Burgundy; Feast day April 21st

"Many things are asked of God, and are not obtained: what is asked of Mary is obtained, not because she is more powerful, but because God decreed thus to honour her, that men may know that she can obtain all things from God."

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3rd
St Katherine Drexel (1858-1955), Virgin, Foundress; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"The patient and humble endurance of the cross -- whatever nature it may be -- is the highest work we have to do."

St Bernard (1090-1153), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Fontaine-les-Dijon, France; Feast day August 20th

"The tongue of a detracter is a three-edged sword.  With one of these edges it destroys the reputation of a neighbour; with the second, it wounds the souls of those who listen to the detraction; and with the third, it kills the soul of the detracter by depriving him of the divine grace."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"As the singing of the nightingale in the wood surpasses that of all other birds, so the voice of Mary is far superior to that of all the other saints."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2nd
St Angela of the Cross (1846-1932); Virgin, Foundress; Seville, Spain

"The nothing keeps silent, the nothing does not want to be, the nothing suffers all....The nothing does not impose itself, the nothing does not command with authority, and finally, the nothing in the creature is practical humility."

St Gregory the Great (540-604), Confessor, Pope, Doctor of the Church; Rome, Italy; Feast day September 3rd

"As pride is the most evident characteristic of the reprobate, humility is the clearest sign of the elect."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"Humble meekness is the virtue of virtues, which our Divine Redeemer has most urgently recommended to us; therefore we must practice it everywhere and at all times."
March 1st
St David (500-589), Confessor, Bishop; Wales

"Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed.  Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about.  I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us."

St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), Confessor, Founder; Assisi, Italy; Feast day October 4th

"I am only that which I am before God."

St Joseph Calasanctius (1557-1648), Confessor; Aragon, Spain; Feast day, August 27th

"If you desire to be holy, be humble; if you desire to be very holy, be very humble."

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 28th
St Bernard (1090-1153), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Fontaine-les-Dijon, France; Feast day August 20th

"There is one motive which excels all others which I feel most keenly and which urges me to love Jesus.  It is, dear Jesus, the bitter chalice which you drank for our sake, and the great work of our Redemption which makes You so lovable to us.  Indeed this supreme blessing and incomparable proof of Your love makes us want to return Your love.  This motive attracts us more agreeably, makes most just demands upon us, moves us more pressingly and influences us more forcibly."

St Francis of Paola (1416-1506), Confessor; Consenza, Italy; Feast day April 2nd

"O God, Who is Love, what excesses of love You have shown us in suffering and in dying!"
February 27th
St Galmier of Lyon (d. 650), Confessor; Lyon, France

"In the name of the Lord let us always give thanks to God."

St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Virgin, Doctor of the Church; Avila, Spain; Feast day, October 15th

"The cause of all evil lies in the fact that we do not think of the presence of God, but imagine Him far away from us."

St John Chrysostom (347-407), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch, Turkey

"If we keep ourselves in the presence of God we shall neither think nor say nor do what is wrong, convinced as we are that God is the witness of all our thoughts and words and actions."