
Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31st
Easter Sunday
St John Chrysostom (347-407), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch; Feast day September 13th

"O Death, where is your sting?  O Hell, where is your victory?  Christ is risen, and you are overthrown.  Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen.  Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice.  Christ is risen, and life reigns.  Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.  For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep."

St John of Damascus (676-749), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Damascus; Feast day March 27

"Now all things have been filled with light, both heaven and earth and those beneath the earth; so let all creation sing Christ's rising, by which it is established."

St Gregory the Theologian (329-389), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Cappadocia; Feast day May 9

"Yesterday I was crucified with Him; today I am glorified with Him; yesterday I died with Him; today I am quickened with Him; yesterday I was buried with Him; today I rise with Him.  But let us offer to Him Who suffered and rose again for us -- you will think perhaps that I am going to say gold, or silver, or woven work of transparent and costly stones, the mere passing material of earth, that remains here below, and is for the most part always possessed by bad men, slaves of the world and of the Prince of the world.  Let us offer ourselves, the possession most precious to God, and most fitting; let us give back to the Image what is made after the Image.  Let us recognize our Dignity; let us honour our Archetype; let us know the power of the Mystery, and for what Christ died."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"Resurrectio Domini, spes nostra -- the resurrection of the Lord is our hope."

St Gregory the Great (540-604), Confessor, Pope, Doctor of the Church; Rome, Italy; Feast day March 12th

"It is only right, with all the powers of our heart and mind, to praise You Father and Your Only-Begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Dear Father, by Your wondrous condescension of Loving-Kindness toward us, Your servants, You gave up Your Son.  Dear Jesus, You paid the debt of Adam for us to the Eternal Father by Your Blood poured forth in Loving-Kindness.  You cleared away the darkness of sin by Your magnificent and radiant Resurrection.  You broke the bonds of death and rose from the grave as a Conqueror.  You reconciled Heaven and earth.  Our life had no hope of Eternal Happiness before You redeemed us.  Your Resurrection has washed away our sins, restored our innocence and brought us joy.  How inestimable is the tenderness of Your Love!

"We pray You, Lord, to preserve Your servants in the peaceful enjoyment of this Easter happiness.  We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.  Amen."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30th
Holy Saturday 
Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Confessor; Kempen, Germany

"Strive so to live and through the spirit to mortify your flesh, that when your body turns into dust your soul will be judged worthy to rest in blessed peace.  If you live your life in labor and sorrow on a Good Friday, you will have a restful Holy Saturday and then a most joyful Easter Sunday, the day of the resurrection of the just.

"The more austerely you live in the world, so much more tranquil will be your repose in the grave.  The more firmly you cling to the Cross, so much more assurance you have of reaching Christ.  The more bitterly you deplore your sins, so much less will remain to be purged by the avenging flames.  So lament during this time of grace, when the doors of mercy are open, and when God, in Whom there is abundant redemption, accepts your repentance.  Mourn also the wretched condition of the world and the incredible indifference of men.  Only a few are found today to be true followers of the Crucified, and many permit their original spiritual fervor to grow cold.

"Let meditating on Jesus Christ and Him crucified be your daily prayer.  Keep Jesus always before your eyes and keep ever near the foot of His Cross.  Whether in life or in death, enter the tomb with Jesus so that when Christ, Who is your life, shall appear again, you will rise with Him in glory."

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29th
Good Friday
Meditations from Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Confessor; Kempen, Germany 

"Lord, I praise and glorify Your steadfastness and perseverance in remaining on the Cross You embraced, and from which neither flattery nor empty promises could induce You to descend -- not for one brief moment would You have abandoned that which You had willingly ascended.  It was Your firm decision to remain unto the end and to die on the Cross You had chosen with so holy a love; likewise it was always Your desire to bring to a glorious end the work of salvation that You had initiated.  You, who taught others to persevere in doing good works, manifested Your obedience by remaining on the Cross, and, by that example of Yours, You indicated to Your followers that they too must show constancy in being obedient....

"Remember the Apostle's words:  Christ became obedient for us unto death, even to death on the cross.  Therefore, whatever the world may promise you or whatever may appeal to your body, no matter how severely the devil may tempt you or friends try to dissuade you, or even if the world laughs at you, pay no attention to all these, but ignore and scorn them.

"Stand firm in Christ; look upward, focus your eyes on the Crucified, who with wide open arms invites you and promises you, for a short period of toil, an eternal reward.  He says:  If you will suffer with me, you shall reign with me; and if you will die with me, you shall be glorified with me."


"Notice the gratitude that the world shows Him in return for all of His extraordinary deeds and miracles.  He is put to death as if He were the worst of thieves and dies as the poorest of men.  He does not die in a comfortable feather bed, but on the hard wood of the Cross; not in a house or under a protecting roof, but in the open air, in a frightfully foul place; not in a private room, but publicly on a Cross; not in the company of His disciples, but between two thieves; not in the arms of His loving Mother, but between those of a tall Cross.

"He did not even have a few handfuls of straw beneath Him, nor over Him a covering of the poorest linen.  He had no pillow for His head, but a crown of sharp thorns instead.  There were no sandals on His feet nor gloves on His hands, but as substitutes He had iron nails that pierced through His flesh and bones.

"In this dire distress of His, there was no one to minister to Him, but an impenitent thief at His side, a degenerate criminal, who showered Him with shameful insults.  There was no one to console Him -- His followers and those with whom He had frequently sat at table had all but deserted Him.  He could move neither hand nor foot, nor turn on his side -- He found no relief for His body's pain, not even in the slightest.  He remained immobile, stretched to the straining point, every organ dreadfully distended.  No one there tried to console Him.  No one thought of helping Him.  No one was interested in Him.  His heart all but stopped beating.

"There remained only His tongue that He could use.  He prayed for His enemies, and from the pulpit of the Cross He preached seven worthy words counter to the seven deadly sins...."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28th
Ss Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander (d. 260), Martyrs; Palestine

"While the secure gate of heaven is open, shall we shut it against ourselves?  Shall we be so faint-hearted as not to suffer for the name of Christ, who died for us?  Our brethren invite us by their example: their blood is a loud voice, which presses us to tread in their steps.  Shall we be deaf to a cry calling us to the combat, and to a glorious victory?"

St Thomas More (1478-1535), Martyr; London, England; Feast day July 9th

"I need light and prudence to manage very difficult affairs, and every day I can consult Jesus in Holy Communion.  He is my great teacher."

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Roccasecca, Italy; Feast day March 7th

"But we, who should walk in the footprints of God -- it is with difficulty that we agree from the heart to forgive a single small offense of one who implores our forgiveness!

"If it happens that we do forgive, we almost never forget; we rejoice in the embarrassment of our debtor; we have small pity for him in adversity; or else we love him less than we did before.  If we do not reproach him it is certain, however, that we exclude him from our intimacy, and that even in times of trial we refuse him our counsel and our support.

"We should, on the contrary, forget the offenses of our enemy, even though he neither repents nor amends, in imitation of Christ who prayed for those who crucified Him, and who, far from repenting, mocked Him.  Nothing makes us more like God, said Saint John Chrysostom, than to allow ourselves to be easily appeased and to be pitiful to the wayward and to those who harm us.  For the height of perfection is to love our enemies, and to pray for them as did the Lord Jesus."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27th
St John of Egypt (350-394), Hermit, Confessor

"My son, take care never to deny the grace you have received from God, lest humility betray you into a lie.  We must never lie, under any pretense of good whatever, because no untruth can be from God."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow.  The same Everlasting Father, who takes care of you today, will take care of you tomorrow, and every day.  He will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.  Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations!"

Ven. Louis of Granada (1505-1588), Confessor; Granada, Spain

"The prodigal son is a forcible illustration of the unhappy lot of the wicked.  Like him, they separate themselves from God and plunge into every vice.  They abuse and squander all that God has given them.  They go into a far country where famine rages; and what is this country but the world, so far removed from God, where men hunger with desires which can never be satisfied, where, like ravenous wolves they are constantly seeking more?  And how do such men understand the duties of life?  They recognize no higher duty than that of feeding swine.  To satisfy the animal within them, to feed their swinish appetites, is their only aim.

"If you would be convinced of this, study the life of a worldling.  From morning until night, and from night until morning, what is the object of his pursuit?  Is it not the gratification of some pleasure of sense, either of sight, of hearing, of taste, or of touch?  Does he not act as if he were a follower of Epicurus and not a disciple of Christ?  Does he seem to be conscious that he possesses any faculty but those which he has in common with the beasts?  For what does he live but to enjoy the grossest pleasures of the flesh?  What is the end of all his revels, his feasts, his balls, his gallantry, his luxurious couches, his enervating music, his degrading spectacles, but to afford new delights to the flesh?

"Give all this what name you will -- fashion, refinement, elegance -- in the language of God and the Gospel it is feeding swine.  For as swine love to wallow in the mire, so these depraved hearts delight to wallow in the mire of sensual pleasures."

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26th
St Margaret of Clitherow (1555-1571), Martyr; Middleton, England

"The sheriffs have said that I am going to die this coming Friday; and I feel the weakness of my flesh which is troubled at this news, but my spirit rejoices greatly.  For the love of God, pray for me and ask all good people to do likewise."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"The Everlasting God has in His wisdom foreseen from eternity the cross He now presents to you as a gift from His inmost Heart.  This cross He now sends you He has considered with His all-knowing eyes, understood with His divine mind, tested with His wise justice, warmed with loving arms and weighed with His own Hands, to see that it be not one inch too large and not one ounce too heavy for you.  He has blessed it with His Holy Name, anointed it with His grace, perfumed it with His consolation, taken one last glance at you and your courage, and then sent it to you from heaven, a special greeting from God to you, an alms of the all-merciful love of God."

St Alphonsus (1696-1787), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Marianella, Naples; Feast day August 2nd

"Behold, in the Blessed Sacrament we can converse at pleasure with Jesus, we can open our hearts to Him, we can lay our wants before Him, and we can ask Him for His graces.  In a word, in this sacrament we can treat with the King of Heaven, in all confidence and without restraint."

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25th
St Dismas (1st cent.), Confessor; Palestine

"Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom!"

Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Confessor; Kempen, Germany

"Such horrendous impiety to condemn an innocent person by appealing to false witnesses, to desire the death of the Author of life, to aspire to crucify Christ the King, and to curse one who is holy and just to a most shameful death!...Have mercy, O good Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner, for my soul trusts in you."

"Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing stronger or higher or wider; nothing is more pleasant, nothing fuller, and nothing better in heaven or on earth, for love is born of God and cannot rest except in God, Who is above all created things."

St Bonaventure (1221-1274), Bishop, Doctor of the Church;  Bagnoregio, Italy; Feast day July 14th

"Pierce, O most Sweet Lord Jesus, my inmost soul with the most joyous and healthful pang of Your love, with true, serene, and most holy apostolic charity, that my soul may ever languish and melt with love and longing for You, that it may yearn for You and faint for Your courts, and long to be dissolved and to be with You."

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24th
St Irenaeus (d. 304), Bishop, Martyr; Sirmium, Serbia

"Lord Jesus Christ, who condescends to suffer for the salvation of the world, command the heavens to open, that the angels may receive the soul of Your servant Irenaeus, who suffers for Your name, and for Your people of the Catholic Church of Sirmium."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"If you should ask me what are the ways of God, I would tell you that the first is humility, the second is humility, and the third is humility.  Not that there are no other precepts to give, but if humility does not precede all that we do, our efforts are meaningless."

"Many call upon the Lord, but not with their voice; that is to say, they call on the Lord not with the voice of the soul, but with the voice of the body.  Call with your thoughts, call with your heart, and then the Lord will certainly hear you."  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23rd
St Alphonsus Turibius (1538-1606), Priest, Confessor; Vallodolid, Spain

"Time is not our own, and we must give a strict account of it."

Ss Victorian & c. (484), Martyrs; Carthage, Tunisia

"Tell the king that I trust in Christ.  If his majesty please he may condemn me to the flames, or to wild beasts, or to any torments; but I shall never consent to renounce the Catholic Church in which I have been baptized. Even if there were no other life after this, I would never be ungrateful and perfidious to God, who has granted me the happiness of knowing Him, and who has bestowed on me His most precious graces."

St Louis de Montfort (1673-1716), Priest, Confessor; Monfort-sur-Meu, France; Feast day April 28th

"Pray with great confidence, with confidence based upon the goodness and infinite generosity of God and upon the promises of Jesus Christ.  God is a spring of living water which flows unceasingly into the hearts of those who pray."

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22nd
St Basil of Ancyra (362), Priest, Martyr; Ankara, Turkey

"You know how many pieces of flesh have been torn from my body, yet look on my shoulders and sides:  see if any wounds appear.  Know that Jesus Christ this night has healed me.  Send this news to your master Julian, that he may know the power of God whom he has forsaken.  He has overturned his altars, who was himself concealed under them when he was sought by Constantius to be put to death.  But god has discovered to  me that his tyranny will be shortly extinguished with his life."

"O Christ, my Light! O Jesus, my Hope!  Quiet Haven from the stormy sea, I thank You, O Lord God of my fathers, that You have snatched my soul from the pit of Hell and preserved Your name in me unstained!  Let me finish my life a victor and inherit eternal life according to the promise You gave my fathers.  Now accept my soul in peace, plying steadfast in this confession!  For You are merciful and great is Your mercy, You Who live and sojourn throughout all the ages.  Amen."

"My chief name is 'Christian,' derived from 'Christ,' the Name that is eternal and beyond human understanding."

"The Son is in all things like the Father, in will as well as hypostasis, in existence and in being."

St John of the Cross (1542-1591), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Fontiveros, Spain; Feast day November 24th

"Some pursue their own taste and satisfaction in spiritual things in preference to the way of perfection which consists in denying their own wishes and tastes for the love of God.  If such persons perform some exercise through obedience, even though it suit their inclination, they soon lose the wish for it, and all devotion in it, because their only pleasure is in doing what their own will directs, which ordinarily would be better left undone.  The Saints did not act thus."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21st
St Benedict (480-547), Confessor, Founder; Norcia, Italy

"My words are addressed to thee, whoever thou art, that, renouncing thine own will, dost put on the strong and bright armour of obedience in order to fight for the Lord Christ, our true king."

"Let the sick be served in very deed as Christ himself."

"We have written this Rule, that by observing it in monasteries, we may shew ourselves to have some degree of goodness in life and a beginning of holiness.  But for him who would hasten to the perfection of religion, there are the teachings of the holy Fathers, the following whereof bringeth a man to the height of perfection." 

St Serapion (d. 370), Bishop, Confessor; Egypt

"The mind is purified by spiritual knowledge, (or by holy meditation and prayer,) the spiritual passions of the soul by charity, and the irregular appetites by abstinence and penance."

St Nicholas of Flue (1470-1487), Confessor; Sachseln, Switzerland

"My Lord and my God, take from me everything that distances me from you.
"My Lord and my God, give me everything that brings me closer to you.
"My Lord and my God, detach me from myself to give my all to you."

Bl Maria Candida of the Eucharist (1884-1949), Virgin; Cantanzaro, Italy

"When I receive Jesus in Communion, Mary is always present.  I want to receive Jesus from her hands, she must make me one with Him.  I cannot separate Mary from Jesus.  Hail, O Body born of Mary!  Hail, Mary, dawn of the Eucharist!"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20th
St Cuthbert (634-687), Bishop, Confessor; Dunbar, Scotland

"Miserable men that we are, whilst we are resigning ourselves to sleep and idleness, we take no thought to behold the light of God's holy angels, who never sleep."

"You see, my beloved brethren, how great is the grace of God to him who hopes and trusts in the Lord."

"Dearest brethren, as often as you hear the mysteries of the heavenly kingdom preached to you, you should listen with attentive heart and with watchful feelings, lest the devil, who has a thousand ways of harming you, prevent you by superfluous cares from hearing the word of salvation."

"What are you doing, my brethren, in thus reviling those whom you see hurried to destruction?  Would it not be better and more humane to entreat the Lord in their behalf, than thus to take delight in their misfortunes?"

St Photina, (d. 1st cent.), Martyr; Samaria

"Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water."

St Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus (1842-1912), Virgin, Foundress; Vitoria, Spain

"I was born with a religious vocation."

"In the Divine Heart of Jesus is the center of our communication with Him.  We can speak with Him as frequently as we desire without disturbing anyone, speaking intimately with Him."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19th
St Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868), Confessor; Grenoble, France; Feast day August 2nd

"Jesus has prepared not just one Host, but One for every day of our life.  The Hosts for us are ready.  Let us not lose the benefits we can gain by neglecting to receive even One of Them."

Cure of Ars (1786-1859), Confessor; Dardilly, France; Feast day August 8th

"Every consecrated Host is made to burn Itself up with love in a human heart."

"Oh, how bitterly shall we regret at the hour of death the time we have given to pleasures, to useless conversations, to repose, instead of having employed it in mortification, in prayer, in good works, in thinking of our poor misery, in weeping over our poor sins; then we shall see that we have done nothing for Heaven.  Oh, my children, how sad it is!  Three-quarters of those who are Christians labor for nothing but to satisfy this body, which will soon be buried and corrupted, while they do not give a thought to their poor soul, which must be happy or miserable for all eternity.  They have neither sense nor reason: it makes one tremble."

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18th
St Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386), Confessor, Bishop, Doctor of the Church; Palestine

"Do not look upon the bread and wine as bare and common elements, for they are the Body and Blood of Christ, as our Lord assures us.  Although thy sense suggest this to thee, let faith make thee firm and sure.  Judge not of the thing by the taste, but be certain from faith that thou hast been honored with the gift of Christ's Body and Blood.  When he has pronounced and said of the bread: 'This is my body,' who will, after this, dare to doubt?  and when he has assured and said, 'This is my blood,' who can ever hesitate, saying it is not his blood?"

Padre Pio (1887-1968), Confessor, Stigmatic; Pietrelcina, Italy; Feast day September 23rd

"It is to your advantage to commit yourself to the sufferings that Jesus will send to you.  Jesus cannot tolerate seeing you afflicted and He will come to you and comfort you, blessing you with many graces for your soul."

St Lawrence Giustiniani (1381-1486), Bishop, Confessor; Venezia, Italy; Feast day September 5th

"No human tongue can enumerate the favors that trace back to the Sacrifice of the Mass.  The sinner is reconciled with God; the just man becomes more upright; sins are wiped away; vices are uprooted; virtue and merit increase; and devil's schemes are frustrated."

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th
St Gertrude (626-659), Virgin; Nivelles, Belgium

"I have chosen for my spouse Him, from Whose eternal beauty all creatures derive their glory, Whose riches are immense, and Whom the angels adore."

St Patrick (387-493), Bishop, Confessor; Kilpatrick, Scotland

"I now entrust my soul to God, Who is most faithful and for Whom I am an ambassador in my humble station....What return can I make to Him for all His goodness to me?  What can I say or what can I promise to my Lord since any ability I have comes from Him?  Suffice it for Him to look into my heart and mind; for I am ready and indeed greatly desire it that He should give me His cup to drink, as He gave it to others who loved Him....I ask God for perseverance, to grant that I remain a faithful witness to Him for His own sake until my passing from this life."

"Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

"I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, 
Through belief in the Threeness, 
Through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of Christ.
May Thy Salvation, O Lord, be ever with us."

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16th
Saint Julian of Cilicia (305), Martyr; Antioch

"Who shall separate us from the love of Jesus Christ?"

Ven. Louis of Granada (1505-1588), Confessor; Granada, Spain

"O unhappy people, senseless deluded victims of this world!  Whither are you hastening?  What is the object of your search?  Why will you not seek happiness at it source?  'Taste and see that the Lord is sweet; blessed is the man that hopes in Him.'"

Padre Pio (1887-1968), Confessor, Stigmatic; Pietrelcina, Italy; Feast day September 23rd

"If men were to understand the value of Holy Mass, for every Mass such crowds would come to church that police would be needed to keep order."

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15th
St Louise de Marillac (1591-1660), Widow, Foundress; Oise, France

"Love the poor and honor them as you would honor Christ Himself."

"Certainly, it is the great secret of the spiritual life to abandon to God all that we love by abandoning ourselves to all that He wills."

Saint Abraham (d. 360), Hermit; Mesopotamia

"Most merciful God, look down on my weakness; assist me with Thy grace, that Thy name may be glorified.  Despise not the works of Thy own hands."

St Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1771), Confessor; Porto Maurizio, Italy; Feast day November 27th

"O you deluded people, what are you doing?  Why do you not hasten to the churches to hear as many Masses as you can?  Why do you not imitate the angels, who, when a Holy Mass is celebrated, come down in myriads from Paradise and take their stations about our altars in adoration to intercede for us?"

St Philip Neri (1515-1595), Confessor; Firenze, Italy; Feast day May 26th

"With prayer we ask graces from God; in the Holy Mass we constrain God to give them to us."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14th
Ss Acepsimas, Bishop; Joseph, Priest; Aithilahas, Deacon (d. 380), Martyrs; Assyria

"I return You the greatest thanks I am able, Christ, the Son of God, who have granted me this mercy, and washed me with this second baptism of my blood, to wipe away my sins."

Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Confessor; Kempen, Germany

"Good Jesus, strength and power of a soul suffering tribulation, teach me to accept all criticism and reproof with a calm spirit, and let me never show resentment in defending myself because of complaints unjustly made against me.  Rather, let me respond to them with gentle silence and, if I must speak, then let me answer my accusers in a pleasant and friendly tone."

St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), Confessor, Founder; Assisi, Italy; Feast day October 4th

"Man should tremble, the world should quake, all Heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13th
St Euphrasia (380-410), Virgin; Constantinople

"Invincible emperor, having consecrated myself to Christ in perpetual chastity, I cannot be false to my engagement, and marry a mortal man, who will shortly be the food of worms.  For the sake of my parents, be pleased to distribute their estates among the poor, the orphans and the church.  Set all my slaves at liberty, and discharge my vassals and servants, giving them whatever is their due.  Order my father's stewards to acquit my farmers of all they owe since his death, that I may serve God without let or hindrance  and may stand before Him without the solicitude of temporal affairs.  Pray for me, you and your empress, that I  may be made worthy to serve Christ."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"Late have I loved You, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved You!  You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you.  In my unloveliness, I plunged into the lovely things which You created.  You were with me, but I was not with You.  Created things kept me from You; yet if they had not been in You they would have not been at all.  You called, You shouted, and You broke through my deafness.  You flashed, You shone, and You dispelled my blindness.  You breathed Your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for You.  I have tasted You, now I hunger and thirst for more.  You touched me, and I burned for Your peace."

Ven. Louis of Granada (1505-1588), Confessor; Granada, Spain

"Lord, give me the grace to love You as much as I can, so that by the strength of this love I may disdain every earthly love."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12th
St Gregory the Great (540-604), Confessor, Pope, Doctor of the Church; Rome, Italy; Feast day March 12th

 “My little children, I conjure you, by Christ, our good Master, love affectionately, and this is enough. Love will teach you what to do. The unction of the Holy Ghost will instruct you.” 

St Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868), Confessor; Grenoble, France; Feast day August 2nd

"When a spark of the Eucharist is placed in a soul, a divine germ of life and of all the virtues is cast into that heart.  This germ is sufficient of itself, so to say, to do much."

Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471), Confessor; Kempen, Germany

"Gentle Jesus, forgive me for having so often offended you, for so easily turning to vanities, and for not setting my heart on that which I have proposed to do.  How often I look back on the amount of time I spent on so many things, all far from important, while I paid no attention to your Passion.  You have preceded me along the narrow road, and with eyes dry I pass by as if your sorrows have no effect on me.  Remember my foolish heart and instill in it a loving remembrance of your most bitter Passion."

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11th
St Eulogius (d.859), Priest, Confessor; Cordova, Spain

"Ah! if you could but conceive the reward which waits for those who persevere in the faith to the end, you would renounce your temporal dignity in exchange for it."

Ven. Louis of Granada (1505-1588), Confessor; Granada, Spain

"Thine is the supreme and immutable good which is not contained by place, is not changed by novelties, does not pass away with time, and has no need of help from anyone.  It is sufficient unto itself; of itself it can do all things and in itself it finds all its delight.  Thine is that supreme goodness which is not reached by the senses because it is spiritual and eternal, but it is known with the intellect and enjoyed with the will and experienced with the heart.  It is sought by devotion, found by hope, embraced by charity, and will be possessed forever in glory."

St Pius X (1835-1914), Pope, Confessor; Reise, Italy; Feast day September 3rd

"Devotion to the Eucharist is the noblest of devotions, because it has God as its object.  It is the most profitable for salvation, because it gives us the Author of Grace.  It is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness Itself."

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10th
Ss The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (d.320), Martyrs; Sebaste, Armenia

"Lord, we are forty who are engaged in this combat; grant that we may be forty crowned, and that not one be wanting to this sacred number."

St Ambrose (340-397), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Present day Trier, Germany; Feast day December 7th

"We possess all things in Christ, or rather Christ is all things to us.  If you would be healed of your wounds, He is a Physician; if you thirst, He is a living Fountain; if you fear death, He is your Life; if you are weary of the burden of sin, He is your Justification; if you hate darkness, He is uncreated Light; if you would reach Heaven, He is the Way; if you hunger, He is your Food."

Ven. Louis of Granada (1505-1588), Confessor; Granada, Spain

"Let me love You with all my soul, O Infinite Beauty.  Open my eyes that they may see Your beauty and close them to all things else.  Let all creatures, Lord, be a mirror in which I contemplate You, an image in which I see You, a ladder by which I rise to You, and a book wherein I read of Your grandeurs."

"Open my eyes, O Lord, and anoint them with the balm of Your grace so that I may see some small spark of Your splendor."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9th
St Frances of Rome (1384-1440), Widow, Foundress; Rome, Italy

"God's will is mine."

St Gregory of Nyssa (330-395), Bishop, Confessor; Cappadocia, Turkey

"Perfection consists in fearing, as the only thing to be dreaded, to lose the friendship of God; and in having only one desire, viz., of God's friendship, in which also man's spiritual life consists.  This is to be obtained by fixing the mind only on divine and heavenly things."

St Pacian of Barcelona (310-391), Bishop, Confessor, Father of the Church; Barcelona, Spain

"Not I, but only God, who both blots out sin in baptism, and does not reject the tears of penitents.  What I do is not in my own name, but in the Lord's.  Wherefore whether we baptize, or draw to penance, or give pardon to penitents, we do it by Christ's authority.  You must see whether Christ can do it, and did it, -- Baptism is the sacrament of our Lord's passion; the pardon of penitents is the merit of confession.  All can obtain that, because it is the gratuitous gift of God; but this labour is but of a small number who rise after a fall, and recover by tears, and by destroying the flesh."

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8th
St John of God (1495-1550), Confessor, Founder; Montemayor-el-Novo, Portugal

"Give peace and quiet to my soul which greatly desires this.  O most worthy Lord, may this creature of Yours serve and praise You.  May I give my whole heart and mind to You."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"Then shall I truly live, when I shall be quite filled with You alone, and Your love; now I am a burden to myself, because I am not entirely full of You.”

St Bonaventure (1221-1274), Bishop, Doctor of the Church;  Bagnoregio, Italy; Feast day July 14th

“If a person repeats often in his heart, Lord, when shall I love thee? he will feel an heavenly fire kindled in his soul much more than by a thousand bright thoughts or fine speculations on divine secrets, on the eternal generation of the Word, or the procession of the Holy Ghost.”

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 7th
St Thomas of Aquinas (1225-1274), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Roccasecca, Sicily

"Man cannot live without joy; therefore, when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures."

"Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards; give us an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out; give us an upright heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside.  Bestow upon us also, O Lord our God, understanding to know You, diligence to seek You, wisdom to find You, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace You; through Jesus Christ our Lord."

"The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, It produces Love.  The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life."

"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know You, a heart to seek You, wisdom to find You, conduct pleasing to You, faithful perseverance in waiting for You, and a hope of finally embracing You."

"A fourth point about charity is that it truly leads to happiness, since eternal blessedness is promised only to those who have charity.  For all other things are insufficient without charity."

March 6th
St Colette (1380-1447), Confessor, Virgin; Picardy, France

"We must faithfully keep what we have promised.  If through human weakness we fail, we must always without delay arise again by means of holy penance, and give our attention to leading a good life and to dying a holy death.  May the Father of all mercy, the Son by his holy passion, and the Holy Spirit, source of peace, sweetness and love, fill us with their consolation.  Amen."

St Alphonsus (1696-1787), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Marianella, Naples; Feast day August 2nd

"Meditation, and particularly meditation on the passion of Jesus Christ, is the blessed furnace in which the love of God is kindled and fanned."

St John Chrysostom (347-407), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch; Feast day September 13th

"The holy Eucharist is a fire which inflames us, that, like lions breathing fire, we may retire from the holy table, being made terrible to the devil."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5th
St John Chrysostom (347-407), Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch; Feast day September 13th

"That as water is necessary to prevent trees from withering, so prayer is necessary to save us from perdition."

St Augustine (354-430), Confessor, Bishop, Father of the Church; Thagaste, Algeria; Feast day August 28th

"Reflect that your mouths are the mouths of Christians, which Jesus Christ has so often entered in the holy communion."

St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Virgin, Doctor of the Church; Avila, Spain; Feast day, October 15th

"Because we do not give God all our affections, so he does not give us His perfect love."

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4th
St Robert Bellarmine (1542-1641), Confessor, Bishop, Doctor of the Church; Montepulciano, Italy; Feast day May 13th

"An ounce of charity is better than an hundred loads of reason."

St Joseph Calasanctius (1557-1648), Confessor; Aragon, Spain; Feast day August 27th

"He who loves peace never contradicts anyone."

St Anselm (1033-1109), Confessor, Bishop; Aosta, Burgundy; Feast day April 21st

"Many things are asked of God, and are not obtained: what is asked of Mary is obtained, not because she is more powerful, but because God decreed thus to honour her, that men may know that she can obtain all things from God."

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3rd
St Katherine Drexel (1858-1955), Virgin, Foundress; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"The patient and humble endurance of the cross -- whatever nature it may be -- is the highest work we have to do."

St Bernard (1090-1153), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Fontaine-les-Dijon, France; Feast day August 20th

"The tongue of a detracter is a three-edged sword.  With one of these edges it destroys the reputation of a neighbour; with the second, it wounds the souls of those who listen to the detraction; and with the third, it kills the soul of the detracter by depriving him of the divine grace."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"As the singing of the nightingale in the wood surpasses that of all other birds, so the voice of Mary is far superior to that of all the other saints."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2nd
St Angela of the Cross (1846-1932); Virgin, Foundress; Seville, Spain

"The nothing keeps silent, the nothing does not want to be, the nothing suffers all....The nothing does not impose itself, the nothing does not command with authority, and finally, the nothing in the creature is practical humility."

St Gregory the Great (540-604), Confessor, Pope, Doctor of the Church; Rome, Italy; Feast day September 3rd

"As pride is the most evident characteristic of the reprobate, humility is the clearest sign of the elect."

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Haute Savoie, France; Feast day, January 29th

"Humble meekness is the virtue of virtues, which our Divine Redeemer has most urgently recommended to us; therefore we must practice it everywhere and at all times."
March 1st
St David (500-589), Confessor, Bishop; Wales

"Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed.  Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about.  I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us."

St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), Confessor, Founder; Assisi, Italy; Feast day October 4th

"I am only that which I am before God."

St Joseph Calasanctius (1557-1648), Confessor; Aragon, Spain; Feast day, August 27th

"If you desire to be holy, be humble; if you desire to be very holy, be very humble."

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 28th
St Bernard (1090-1153), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Fontaine-les-Dijon, France; Feast day August 20th

"There is one motive which excels all others which I feel most keenly and which urges me to love Jesus.  It is, dear Jesus, the bitter chalice which you drank for our sake, and the great work of our Redemption which makes You so lovable to us.  Indeed this supreme blessing and incomparable proof of Your love makes us want to return Your love.  This motive attracts us more agreeably, makes most just demands upon us, moves us more pressingly and influences us more forcibly."

St Francis of Paola (1416-1506), Confessor; Consenza, Italy; Feast day April 2nd

"O God, Who is Love, what excesses of love You have shown us in suffering and in dying!"
February 27th
St Galmier of Lyon (d. 650), Confessor; Lyon, France

"In the name of the Lord let us always give thanks to God."

St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Virgin, Doctor of the Church; Avila, Spain; Feast day, October 15th

"The cause of all evil lies in the fact that we do not think of the presence of God, but imagine Him far away from us."

St John Chrysostom (347-407), Confessor, Doctor of the Church; Antioch, Turkey

"If we keep ourselves in the presence of God we shall neither think nor say nor do what is wrong, convinced as we are that God is the witness of all our thoughts and words and actions."